5a.   PILOT Agreement – Robinson Road

WCO 910 Robinson, LLC has applied for a PILOT to construct a 39-unit affordable housing complex at 910 Robinson Road.  WCO 910 Robinson, LLC has received an allocation of 9% Low Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTCs) from the Tennessee Housing Development Agency (THDA).  If awarded, the tax credits will result in an equity amount of $5,511,949.  When completed, the 39-unit development will consist of 25 one-bedroom units and 14 two-bedroom units split between two residential buildings.  100% of the units will be subject to income and rent restrictions.  The applicant has also received an award from the Barnes Fund which will help to provide rents below the 60% AMI threshold of the LIHTC program.

Staff is recommending approval of a PILOT that would have an initial payment of $6,250 in lieu of property taxes after the project is placed in service.  After year 2, The PILOT would increase by 3% annually over the 10-year life of the agreement.  This PILOT payment was based on review of the site’s projected base year taxes, development budget, operating pro forma, and debt obligations.  MDHA estimates this to be a tax abatement of approximately $32,096 for the first year the property is placed in service.  This would leave MDHA’s annual abatement capacity at $1,229,663. 

6a.  Update to Human Resources Policy Chapter 7.11.D – Board Appeal   Process

The Board of Commissioners’ approval is requested to change the Human Resources Policy Board Appeal process.   The current policy requires MDHA and SEIU to submit names of attorneys to create a pool of attorneys that will serve as the Board Appeal Hearing Judge. This policy change allows a State of Tennessee Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) to be the Board Appeal Hearing Judge. The Administrative Procedures Division (APD) with the State of Tennessee provides judges to conduct administrative hearings and mediation for government agencies and citizens. SEIU has agreed to this policy change. 

6b. Dismissal of Employee Termination Appeal

At its January 5, 2023 meeting, the Human Resources Committee elected to approve an appeal hearing regarding the November 21, 2022 termination of Deyhan Lyons. An appeal hearing was set before an Administrative Law Judge

(ALJ). The day before the hearing, Mr. Lyons filed a voluntary request to withdraw his appeal. Accordingly, the ALJ issued an order dismissing the appeal. The HR Committee recommended at its May meeting that this Board upheld the ALJ’s order of dismissal. 

7a. Public Housing Authority Annual Plan

HUD requires that our PHA Plan be submitted at least 75 days prior to the start of our new year (October1).  This Annual Plan is the 5th year under the 2019 5-Year Plan and is largely a progress report against the goals and objectives from that 5-Year Plan.  The draft Annual Plan was made available to the public for review in late March and was subject to a public hearing before the Board in May.  MDHA has provided responses to the comments received through those avenues in the final version of the Plan.  It is recommended that the Board approve the Plan and the related resolutions and authorize its submission to HUD.

7b. Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Payment Standards Revision.

In an effort to maintain affordability for Housing Choice Voucher participants and expand their housing opportunities, Board approval is requested to amend our HCV Payment Standards effective July 1, 2023, to equal 110% of the HUD-published FMRs for all bedroom sizes.

7c. Five-Year Consolidated Plan and 2023 Action Plan.

MDHA has prepared the Five-Year Consolidated Plan and 2023 Annual Action Plan for Nashville-Davidson County. The Consolidated Plan identifies strategic goals for the following HUD grant programs: CDBG, HOME, ESG, and HOPWA. The 2023 Action Plan describes funding priorities for the 2023-24 Program Year (June 1, 2023, through May 31, 2024) and serves as Metro Nashville’s application for receiving grant funds.

Published On: June 8, 2023