For Homeowners
The Metropolitan Development and Housing Agency’s (MDHA) Accessibility, HVAC, Homeowner Rehabilitation, Roof and Window programs are available to qualifying Davidson County homeowners to help with various home repairs. The application period for 2025 is now open.
Please review our Neighborly User Guide or call 615-252-8530 if you need assistance.
In order to manage program demand with available funding, MDHA will accept a limited number of pre-screening forms during open application periods.
MDHA is now accepting 2025 waitlist applications for the following programs:
- Accessibility Program
- Homeowner Rehab
- HVAC Replacement
- Roof Program
- Window Program
- Weatherization Assistance
For Landlords
MDHA offers Community Development Block Grant Rental Rehab and Weatherization Assistance to property owners who own property in need of rehabilitation in Davidson County and wish to make it available to lease to tenants with incomes at or below 80% Adjusted Median Income (AMI) at Section 8 Fair Market Rents for a minimum of 10 years. During open application periods, property owners may apply through our online application process.
Please review our Neighborly User Guide or call 615-252-8530 if you need assistance. During open application periods, applications will be accepted on a on a first-come, first-served, first-approved basis until available funding is exhausted.
- Weatherization Assistance – Call 615-252-8505 for more information.
For Developers
CDBG-DDRF Rental Rehabilitation Loan Program
MDHA is accepting applications from nonprofit developers via an open application process for the CDBG-DDRF Rental Rehabilitation Loan Program to be used to acquire and rehab properties that were damaged as a result of the Spring 2020 storms in Nashville-Davidson County through our new online application process. The properties must be made available to lease to tenants, a minimum of 51%, which have incomes at or below 80% Adjusted Medium Income (AMI) at Section 8 Fair Market Rents for a minimum of 15 years.
The funds can be used for reconstruction (within the same footprint) of properties damaged by the storms that are determined to be non-feasible for rehabilitation and relocation expenses associated with the project, if any, as applicable.
Please review our Neighborly User Guide or call (615) 252-8530 if you need assistance. Applications will be accepted on a on a first-come, first-served, first-approved basis until available funding is exhausted.
Homebuyer Projects – HOME funds for homebuyer projects will be made available to non-profit affordable housing developers on a competitive basis. If you would like to be notified of this opportunity, please send an email to:, Subject: Homebuyer Projects RFP.
Rental Projects – HOME funds for rental projects will be made available to non-profit and for-profit affordable housing developers on a competitive basis. If you would like to be notified of this opportunity, please send an email to:, Subject: Rental Projects RFP.