Design Review Committee

For each redevelopment district, the Design Review Committee follows a set of basic principles to determine the appropriateness of a development project. To view these principles or a map of Nashville’s redevelopment districts, click on the links below.

MDHA has also adopted guidelines for the design and placement of signage in redevelopment districts.

2021 Redevelopment District Map

For some redevelopment districts, guidelines have been adopted that are tailored to foster particular architectural forms and development patterns in some of Nashville’s urban neighborhoods. Reviewable design guidelines for specific neighborhoods are available on the Redevelopment Districts page. (If you are unable to download a document and need a printed version, call 615-252-3750.)

Committee Meetings

The Design Review Committee meets at 9 a.m. on the first and third Tuesday of every month at 35 Peabody Street. Submittals for MDHA Design Review are due by 4 p.m. two Wednesdays prior to the Tuesday review meeting beginning in 2022. For more information about design review or to submit plans, contact Parker Brown in MDHA’s Urban Development Department at 615-252-3750.