Taking charge of your finances is a journey. Learning how to create and live on a budget begins with your mindset.
The Financial Freedom Workshop will start you on the journey of understanding how to use and stretch money.
Have you ever had questions about your finances and did not know who to ask? If so, this workshop is for you! The Financial Freedom Workshop will teach you tools of becoming successful and self-sufficient by achieving financial freedom. The free classes will focus on improving and understanding credit, increasing savings, managing money and creating budgets.
Sound beneficial to you and your family?
The Financial Freedom Workshop is available to you at no cost. The next cohort will begin in the fall of 2025. Click the button below to be placed on a waiting list.
Classes meet from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. on one night every other week via Zoom.
We look forward to meeting you virtually and encouraging you to achieve financial freedom.