MDHA’s Board of Commissioners will meet in person for the Aug. 13, 2024, meetings at 701 S. Sixth St. The public is invited to attend the meeting in person.

Bill Purcell, Chair
Johnny Moore, Vice Chair
Kay Bowers
Shedenia Fletcher
Lita Salinas

  1. Call to Order.

  1. Declarations of Conflicts/Recusals.

  1. Approval of Minutes of the June 11, 2024, and July 9, 2024, Board Meeting.

  1. Public Comments.

Reports from Committees

  1. Finance and Development Committee.
    • PILOT Agreement – Trinity Flats.
    • PILOT Agreement – North River.
  1. Executive Director’s Report.
  1. Old Business.
  1. New Business.
  1. Adjournment.

Published On: August 9, 2024