6a. Housing and Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) Grant Award.
The Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) program offers funding to nonprofit and public agencies to provide housing assistance and supportive services that benefit low-income persons that are medically diagnosed with HIV/AIDS.
Following a competitive request for applications (RFA) process, MDHA requests approval to proceed with a HOPWA award recommendation of $1,626,609 to Nashville Cares for the following eligible activities: short term rent, mortgage, and utility assistance; supportive services; permanent housing placement; tenant based rental assistance; emergency housing; and administration.
The award is a single procurement activity above $1 million and requires the MDHA Board of Commissioners’ approval.
6b. PILOT Agreement – Hickory Forest.
Hickory Housing I, LLC has applied for a PILOT to rehabilitate a 90-unit affordable housing complex located at 500 Ocala Drive. Hickory Housing I, LLC has received an allocation of 4% Low Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTCs) from the Tennessee Housing Development Agency (THDA). The development will contain 25 one-bedroom units and 65 two-bedroom units. 100% of the units will be subject to income and rent restrictions, the average income restriction will be no greater than 60% of area median income (AMI).
Staff is recommending approval of a PILOT that would have an initial payment of $56,400 in lieu of property taxes after the project is placed in service. The PILOT would increase by 3% annually over the 10-year life of the agreement. This PILOT payment was based on review of the site’s projected base year taxes, development budget, operating pro forma, and debt obligations. MDHA estimates this to be a tax abatement of approximately $245,759 for the first year the property is placed in service. This would leave MDHA’s annual abatement capacity at $1,780,153.
7a. Award of Project Based Vouchers – Madison Station.
MDHA Board approval is being requested for the award of project-based vouchers for Madison Station, located at 721 Madison Square, Madison, TN 37115.The plans are for new construction of a 240-unit multifamily development. They have requested project-based vouchers for 30 two-bedroom units and 30 three-bedroom units.
8a. Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with SEIU.
Service Employees International Union (SEIU) represents regular full-time/non-supervisory/ non-exempt agency employees. The Board is requested to retroactively enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with the Service Employees International Union from September 30, 2023, through September 30, 2027.
8b. Employee Code of Conduct.
The MDHA Employee Code of Conduct is a formal policy that explains acceptable workplace behavior and practice. It outlines the agency’s workplace standards of professional conduct. It is a reference guide for employees when making ethical decisions, complying with the Human Resources policies and procedures, and programs’ rules and regulations. Board approval is requested to approve the Employee Code of Conduct Policy.
8c. Updates to the Human Resources Policy.
The Human Resources office has updated chapters of the Human Resources Policy Manual to reflect changes in federal labor laws and changes in the MDHA workplace. Board approval is requested to approve the Human Resources Policy Manual updates.
Published On: January 4, 2024