6a. Driver Safety Matching Grant Program.
MDHA is committed to the safety and well-being of its employees, and all efforts shall be made to provide a safe and hazard-free workplace. MDHA holds automobile liability coverage with Public Entity Partners and is eligible to seek reimbursement of half of its costs (up to $4,000 through a matching grant program) by offering driver’s safety training to its employees. Board approval is requested to apply for this grant.
6b. Approval of Award of Affordable Housing Gap Finance Awards.
In October of 2022, the Metropolitan Council of Nashville, and Davidson County appropriated American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) dollars to the Metropolitan Development Housing Agency (MDHA) to administer the Affordable Housing Gap Finance (AHGF) program. The AHGF program provides low-cost loans to developers to create deeply affordable units for individuals experiencing homelessness. Through the program, developers agree to lease AHGF units via Coordinated Entry (CE) managed by the Metro Office of Homeless Services (OHS). MDHA is requesting Board approval to award $1,751,208.04 to two nonprofit developers to create 10 AHGF units and 41 affordable units.
7. Streamlining Amendment to HCV Administrative Plan.
To streamline the administration of the program, Rental Assistance is proposing a change to the Administrative Plan to formally adopt the biennial inspection provision allowed by HUD.
MDHA currently conducts inspections at least annually to determine if the unit continues to meet inspections standards. Rental Assistance is proposing to adopt the HUD streamline provision of conducting biennial inspections effective January 1, 2024.
Published On: October 6, 2023